Our Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) foam is a durable and versatile product with a closed-cell structure. PVC foam is known as a general-purpose material because it has good air, moisture, and dust sealing properties, as well as UV and chemical resistance, making it useful in a variety of industries and applications.
Gasket Supply is a leading manufacturer of gaskets and CNC cut parts fabricated from PVC foam.
PVC foam is commonly used for signage, dimensional lettering, display boards, building and construction, exhibits, furniture, graphics, printing, plastic and metal fabrication, and marine applications.
PVC foam has a density range of 6 to 15 PCF, and thickness from 1/32” to 1”. Closed cell PVC foam is rigid, giving it a higher heat and solvent resistance than ductile open-cell PVC foams, as well as higher physical properties. Though rigid and resistant to fire and chemicals, it is easily cut and shaped, allowing it to fit a variety of applications.
Our selection of foam sheets allow for the opportunity to adapt to your project’s unique needs with different physical and mechanical properties. Each of our sheet materials are available in many different densities and polymer variations. Gasket Supply’s foam materials can be CNC cut or waterjet cut to your exact specifications or slit to width in continuous rolls with an adhesive on one or both sides.