For years, Pioneer Rubber and Gasket Supply have provided customers with NSF 61 approved gasket material through our partnership with American Biltrite, and their NSF 61 and NSF 372 approved AB-576 Ethylene Propylene Diene (EPDM) material.
We are proud to be an official member of the NSF 61 certified gasket cutter program. This designation certifies our Atlanta, Georgia facility to cut, repackage, and distribute NSF/ANSI/CAN 61 certified gaskets and seals.
Read more about both NSF 61 certifications
As an NSF 61 certified gasket cutter, and distributor of certified NSF 61 material, we enjoy providing peace of mind to those customers requiring fully approved NSF 61 gaskets and seals. Those requiring both NSF 61 approved material sourced from a certified gasket cutter, can include customers manufacturing components with gaskets or seals that come in contact with drinking water: potable water filters, tanks, meters, faucets etc.
Per NSF International “Products certified to NSF/ANSI/CAN 61 also comply with NSF/ANSI/CAN 372 unless specifically exempted by the Safe Drinking Water Act of the United States.” (Source)
To enhance the safety of drinking water the Environmental Protection Agency sought out an independent organization to help certify products used in the distribution of drinking water. Through the collaboration of experts, regulators, distributors and manufacturers, NSF/ANSI/CAN 61 Drinking Water System Components was established specifically for any component part that would come into contact with drinking or potable water during its distribution. Products that can be NSF 61 certified for use in the distribution of drinking water include; gaskets, O-rings, sealants, adhesives, lubricants, paints, cements, water meters, valves, filters, pipes, hoses, fittings, water fountains, and faucets, among others.
We specialize in helping manufacturers of items used in drinking water distribution ensure that the rubber, gasket, washer or O-ring components of their items are NSF 61 certified. When the original equipment manufacturer (OEM) uses NSF 61 approved component parts from an NSF 61 approved cutter/distributor it can help the assembled item achieve that NSF 61 certification. As an example, an NSF 61 approved rubber gasket used in a drinking water filter would not immediately qualify that potable water filter as an NSF 61 certified part, but it would be an important step in the certification process. If you have any questions about how we can help provide NSF 61 rubber material from a certified NSF 61 gasket cutter, please reach out to one of our specialists today >>